Wednesday 16 April 2014

Quaervarr revisited

I have been playing around with an area I made and released on the vault a while back, the town of Quaervarr in the Silver Marches.  This place has always had a soft spot for me due to it been the setting of the first NWN2 server I ever played on, Moonlight and Shadows.

When I put stuff on the vault I tend to keep it vanilla so people don't have to sort out haks and such but for my reworking I have added the excellent city hak as well as the wonderful witcher items that Tchos is producing.

Any way here are the shots of the area:

Sunday 6 April 2014

Through the looking glass.....

Alyes from Hasslefree Miniatures, they do some lovely stuff in 28mm.  All very well sculpted and not over sized like Games Workshop. 

I will probably get another one of these to do something special with the base, if she had not been glued to the base I would have changed the base to something more suitable but as it is I do like the finish.  Now does anyone actually trust that cat!