Monday 6 May 2013

The Witcher Project


 Been a while since I posted, I have been to busy playing and the building side has not really had anything worth of note going on so I guess I had nothing to post!
I have been watching the project that Tchos has been doing through his posts on the NWN2 Bioware forums.  He plans to import over 900 placeables from the Witcher game.  Thats a heck of a lot of work and my hat is off to him for taking the time to do this!  If you want to follow his work head over to the forums and take a look, he has released a demo module which will sure make you want to see more!
Ill post some screens up of this great work as I feel it deserves all the chances it can to be shown off!

I think you will agree, if you like to build using NWN2 that these items will take area mapping to a new level.