Tuesday 30 July 2013

More Banners

Its took me a while to work through this, I am happy with what I have but I know my own lack of art skills and understanding of Gimp has held me back a little here.  You will see a lot of the banners are on plain white backgrounds simply because I found it too hard to cut them out etc.

That said I have managed to get what I wanted done!  All that remains is to redo the 2da file to work with the Cormyr PW and release the stuff to the vault with a vanilla 2da.

Nearly all of them releate to Deities worshipped in Cormyr of course plus a few others to help bring some options for other races too.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Learning New Tricks

While I have spent a lot of time with NWN2 as a player and builder I have never really explored the modding side of the game, something I regret as I have always felt my skills were not up to the task.

Lately though I have been working on Cormyr and have began to understand more to this side of things enough to finally try my hand at it!  I found a very helpful guide by Jaesun999 on the vault to help me on my way:

Custom Banners

After a couple of tries and a little bit of getting used to GIMP I have managed to start to do some custom stuff.  Alas I lack the talent to do really good ones I am happy with doing the simple versions with a single colour background.  I hope to add as many FR deities and groups as I can find symbols for:

Above is the three I have done so far.  the Zhents, cormyr and of course Eilistraee!