Saturday 15 March 2014

At Last

Finally finished my elven wizard, only had the figure for about 5 years!

Its Reaper Miniatures figure which is one of the more popular sculpts, I think I have finally manged to do her justice.

Sunday 9 March 2014

One Million Years B.C

Well not quite that far back but Copplestone Castings certainly took that as a inspiration for these cave-people they did a few years back.  As usual I seem to have no idea where the rest of these ended up!

I painted these up a little darker than I wanted to but they look good enough, they were also a test to see how good I could get doing a mostly flesh covered figure as I have 6 ogres in the pipeline to paint and they are all bare chested.

Thursday 6 March 2014

There and back again

Well blew the dust of NWN2 this week!  I wanted to start playing around with the toolset again so rather than build an area from scratch I took the old fishing village from the vault to play around with, this area was originally destined for the server Grinning Fool was making but alas it never really got going.

As its quite an old area I changed it up a bit and added placeables from the city hak as well as gates in the town and a keep on the hill.  Also added the HRC2 system to the area as well as the DMFI, Ill have to look and see if I can get the old Gray Isles Tools onto the module too.

I do want to start working out how to put stuff together so next stop is trying to get one of the weather systems on the vault to work on the server.  Anyway some screenshots: