Saturday 25 January 2014

Riders of Rohan

Had these guys for a long long time!
Finally finished them off, I tried some new ideas on the horses and I am happy with how they turned out.  I went to town on the bases though with the new model grass I got from WAMP.  I am very pleased with the result, much better than flock.

Sunday 5 January 2014


Well the painting bug has continued, I started on these fellas probably 3-4 years ago now and never finished them which is a shame as they are nice sculpts.  I dug them out over the weekend and finished them off and based them up today.

The photos are pretty poor so I had to play around in photoshop to get them to look right.  Hopefully once I get some lighting sorted out they will improve a lot, did not help it was a darkish windy day as per usual in the Northeast!


Wednesday 1 January 2014

A new year and a title change

Happy New Year!

I suppose I better explain the change in title and focus of the blog.  While I still enjoy my NWN2 time I have recently begun to get back into my fantasy modelling again.  So I decided I will probably include some stuff from there on this site from time to time.

Like all model painters I have quite a large unpainted lead mountian so I wont need to actually buy new figures!  Above you can see some Lord of the Rings Ringwraiths that I started back with, Ill post some pictures when I finish.

Planetouched Heads

I have always hated the planetouched heads, especially the Tieflings having to have horns all the time.  These races dont get much love which is a shame, so anyway I started digging around on a few forums and found a guide on how to update heads for different races, as the planetouched are the same size as humans I decieded to try and see if human heads would work on Tieflings and Assimar.

Well it worked though I did find out the horns for Tieflings are attached to the hair not the head, even so I managed to make it so our Plabnescape types have more options.

I only used the OC heads from NWN2 for this but it does more than double the options for the races.  The files are up on the vault for those that are interested.

Planetouched Heads